The Vidyalaya organised “VyaktityaVikash
Shibir-2017” for the students of class VI from 09/05/2017 to 13/05/2017. It was inaugurated by Prof.
Haren Sharma, ex-Vice Principal, Darang College.
The students were divided into three ganas i.e. Seva, Sahas and Tyaga; each group consisting of 10 members. The resource person Prof. Haren Sharma gave light on swami Vivekananda as our ideal. He explained the philosophy of Swamiji. After that students were asked to discuss among them about that topic. Then the students practiced yoga and they were guided by DimbeswarGogoi, Karyakarta of V.K.,Tezpur. They were also taught the ShibirGeet by respected Pradhanacharya Didi. During Krida Yoga, as a part of PDC, participants were taught and encouraged how to conduct SamskarVarga along with some team building games and they were guided by Jyoti Bikash Sharma sir. At last the camp ended with Bhajan Practice and Kendra Prarthana. Total no. of presence was 30.

On the second day of PDC, the resource person Dr. R. N. Pal, Retired Scientist, Co-ordinator of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Tezpur, and Vibhag Sanchalak of V. K. , Tezpur and Darrang district, interacted with the students and enlightened them how to develop their personality by giving examples of Gautam Buddha, Swamiji and Mahatma Gandhi. In Karyasala Satra, students were engaged in campus cleaning as Shramadana. The students also practiced some Shlokas and they were guided by one of our teacher. Total no. of presence was 28.

On the third day, resource person Smt Lalita Goswami, retired Principal of Bihaguri Boys Higher Secondary School, illumined the students with the concept of Bharatiya Samskriti and its uniqueness juxtaposing various aspects of Vedas. The meaning and importance of Kendra Prayer was also explained by Jyoti Bikash sir . It was followed by the similar activities in the similar way. Total no. of presence was 30.
On the fourth day, resource person Dr.Ranendra Mohan Deka, Associate Prof., Dept. of English, Rangapara College, conveyed the students about Swacchata and Swaccha Bharat Abhiyaan and also appealed to become a part of it. He also mentioned about Ma. Eknathji and his contributions.The students took part in Surya Namaskara as a part of Yoga. They practiced some patriotic songs leaded by PradhanacharyaDidi. Total no. of presence was 29.
On the Samapan Samaroh of the Vyaktitya Vikash Shibir, the invited chief guest R. A. Garodia, Charter Accountant and Patron of VKV, Tezpur, delivered a valuable speech regarding personality development. The students shared their experience and the parents too opined their views regarding the camp. The programme ended with Bhajan practice and Kendra Prayer.